The Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches hold a theology of economy or oeconomy (Greek: οικονόμια, economia) that basically means the good "handling" or disposition" or "management" of a thing. Originally this meant the management and regulation of the resources of the household and included the immediate family with its slaves and dependents. So what of the current economic plight of the household of humanity?
Bishops Williams, Sentamu and Wright have all joined the recent economic crisis debate with the Archbishop of Canterbury stating much as Marx suggested that the financial crisis is based upon - "a kind of mythology" in which people invested their faith, wrongly assuming it would work for the common good.
Neil Crowther of 'Nothing without us or nothing about us', reveals that when we realise that 40% of all those out of work are disabled, then we recognize that disability disadvantage severely undermines economic growth of the world's household. The old testament constantly reminds us of our need to include the widows, orphans and the poor. Now that's economy!
It makes one think as to how far my decisions includes or excludes another and has an economic affect.
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